Puisi Alam Tentang Keindahan Alam Indonesia ~ Sajak Twitter + bahasa Inggris #2

Puisi Alam Tentang Keindahan Alam Indonesia ~ Sajak Twitter + bahasa Inggris #2

Source : seuntaipuisi.blogspot.com

Puisi Keindahan Alam 2 Bait  ~ Sajak Twitter


Ku terbangun di pagi buta yang dingin 

Suara burung ramai menyambut hari 

Kilau embun di dedaunan silaukan mata 

Keindahan alam pagi yang begitu menawan hati

Ku tuliskan puisi alam pagi hari 

Ditengah kehengingan sejuk merasuk

Ditemani sang mentari 

Ku mulai hari ini 

Dengan coretan puisi alam pagi hari

Puisi Alam Senja Dalam Rindu

Senja sore menawan hatiku 

Redupnya mentari begitu indah 

Membuatku terbang dalam angan 

Tentang kenangan indah sore bersama dia

Berjalan menikmati sore yang indah 

Membuatku tersentuh segala rasa 

Dalam keramaian ku merasakan sepi 

Rindu ini ingin segera memeluk dirinya

PUISI ALAM Tentang Malam

Ku lihat langit malam 

Begitu gelap namun indah nikmat

Dengan bintang dan bulan 

Berkilau serempak hiasi langit malam

Sungguh indah ciptaan Tuhan ini 

Selalu ada dua sisi dalam hidup 

Antara gelap dan terang 

Begitu juga cahaya dan bayangan 

PUISI Alama Menyambut Pagi 

Matahari bangkit dari tidurnya 

Hempaskan malam kelam 

Bangunkan diri dari mimpi 

Menyongsong hari dengan motivasi 

Alam Pagi selalu membawa gairah 

Untuk kita terus melangkah 

Menggapai tujuan selagi masih diberi kesempatan 

Setiap pagi hari adalah lembaran baru 

Untuk kita pijaki memperbaiki diri

Puisi Keindahan Alam 4 Bait ~ Sajak Twitter

1. Puisi Alam Indah

Larut dalam gelombang angan 

Kala diri ini menikmati hamparan luas alam 

Dengan silau mentari menerangi kehidupan 

Bentangan laut terlihat di ujung jauh mata memandang

Ingin rasanya bisa terbang melayang 

Menikmati seluruh panorama alam bebas 

Hingga larut malam ku ingin terus nikmati semua 

Bersama alam ku merasakan ketenangan dalam kehidupan

Alam bebas mengajarkan 

Tentang simfoni dalam kehidupan 

Berbeda warna dan bentuk 

Tidak saling menikam justru saling menggenggam 

Semoga kita sebagai manusia bisa belajar dari alam 

Untuk setiap perbedaan yang ada disekitar kita 

Semua bisa berjalan serasi seperti alam 

Walau berbeda namun saling melengkapi satu lainnya

2. Puisi Alam Bumi Indah

Pagi buta masih diselimuti kabut 

Daun basah oleh sang embun 

Burung perlahan bangun bernyanyi menyambut hari

Angin pagi hari sejuk terasa hilangkan asa

Awan pagi hari merekah indah

Seperti hamparan lautan lepas tanpa batas

Lembaran hari baru siap dijalani 

Semua bentuk kehidupan bangkit menyambut pagi

Hingga nanti senja datang menyapa hari 

Untuk menjadi pertanda gelap kan datang

Harmonisnya alam datang silih berganti 

Antara terang dan gelap saling mengisi 

Bumiku yang indah ini 

Begitu luas menyati dalam harmoni 

Saling bertautan satu dengan lainnya 

Tidak saling merusak tidak terasa sesak 

Kumpulan Puisi Tentang Alam Pegunungan

3. Puisi Alam Desai

Hamparan sawah menguning

Mentarai datang tuk menyapa 

Hewan ternak saling berjalan seirama

Petani desa sibuk bergegas bekerja

Para petani berkumpul 

Datang mengerumuni sawahnya 

Siap memanen padi 

Wajahnya terlihat ceria sepanjang hari

Gemercik air sungai terdengar lembut

Pantulan airnya bening bak kaca

Hati dan jiwa tenang sejuk terbasuk 

Oleh suasana alam desa yang indah


Hingga datang waktu sore 

Semua bergegas pulang 

Membawa hasil panen mereka 

Semua tampak senang menyatu dengan alam desa

*selain puisi alam diatas ada juga puisi keindahan alam lainnya namun dalam bahasa inggris, simak puisi bahasa inggris dibawah ini tentang alam

Poem About Nature Beauty ~ Sajak Twitter

Nature Poem : Beloved Archipelago

I wrote in beautiful verses

poetry about the archipelago

A form of expression of love

It will be beautiful Indonesia

The vast expanse of nature

From rice fields to the ocean

Mountains line

Extensive green forest spread out.

Indonesia is the land of birth

It's beautiful to be idolized

I will watch over the ages

So that the ideal country is sustainable.


Nature Poem : Wave

When the wind blows lightly

Touching the green palm

The wind comes from the ocean

Wander to the beach side

Green palms are always beautiful

adorn the natural coast

Towering tree

As if welcoming a fishing boat.


Nature Poem : Mountain Mist

High up in the mountains

A thin fog covers

Down in the cold

Looks white wandering

High mountains are full of mysteries

Where humans learn to climb

Grace from Robbul Izzati

Forever I will love.

Nature Poem : My Village In the Morning

The chirping of birds shouted

In a morning full of warmth

Playing on shoots and branches

Complements the village nature full of beauty.

The fresh air is breezy

Entering the sidelines of the village

A new day began to roll

Sentosa atmosphere.


Nature Poem : On the Forest Edge

Entering the edge of the forest

Walk towards the path

There were birds chirping

Accompanying working people

The smell of the forest was strong

When the feet start to step

The trees stood majestically

While spreading the fragrant aroma.


Nature Poem : My country is Indonesia

A wandering wind

Far from the edge of the ocean

Until also to the archipelago

A rich country.

Nature is always beautiful

The people live in peace

Grateful for God's grace

Life is full of abundance.


Nature Poem : The Beauty of Indonesian Village

Village of all time

Fenced with rice fields

Like a flower

My village is beautiful in Indonesia

When the rain comes

The water is pouring into the rice fields

That's where the farmers work

Cultivate the fields and rice fields.


Nature Poem : Farmer's Wide Hat

There are wide-brimmed farmers

Work on the paddy fields

Clean the morning from weeds

So that rice is not attacked by pests

A scythe in his right hand

Swinging through the grass

Sweat filled the forehead

He works wholeheartedly.

Simple Poems On Nature

1. Poetry of Indonesia's Natural Beauty

A stretch of sandy beach

with the rustling wind

that's where the seagulls drop by

With the twilight began to be etched

Beautiful rice fields

Accompanied by the chirping of the finches

Birds flying low

Unbelievable charm.

On the Mountain the people were contemplating

Look at Nature below

The country looks peaceful

its inhabitants live in prosperity.

2. Nature Poem : The beauty of Indonesia

Birds chirp muttered

Whistling from the branches

Also fly through the clouds

That is my charming Indonesia

The country is so sustainable

Where the waves are playing

Coming from the edge of the ocean

Want to touch the Beach Sand

The beauty of my Indonesian country

There is a high mountain

Where farmers open gardens

Work them out everyday

I have always loved my Indonesia

Take a look at the rice fields

Green wide and stretches

This is where the farmers plant hope.

3. Nature Poem : Indonesian Ocean

If you are a fisherman's son

Will understand ocean waves

Where are they bumping

Where do they return home

The ocean is clothes

For Indonesia which is full of peace

Wavy through the ages

The mountains became waves.

My Indonesia

Island above the ocean

Sea Blue Sky Blue

My Indonesia is full of prosperity

4. Nature Poem : Beauty Country

Indonesia's nature

Truly extraordinary

Beautifully radiant

Gift From God

Indonesia's nature

How can be described by words

Through poetry or prayer

The pearl strands were exquisite

Indonesia's nature

Thousands of people were amazed to see it

Thousands of praise

For all beauty

Located on the equator

With a series of mountains

With a lake with clear water

With a pretty fierce way of life

Trees ...




Lively decorate it

We give thanks to Him

Who has created the archipelago

For human happiness

Guard The archipelago

Take care of my country

Don't let the greedy people

Damage my country ...